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Showing 103 - 108 of 142
  • What Scholars Did on Their Summer Break

    It’s a perennial back-to-school query from teachers: What did you do on your summer vacation? When we asked some of our Scholars students and alumni, they had a lot to tell us… and not surprisingly, they made the most of their summer break. Now that students have settled in on campus and the semester is a few weeks in, we highlight some of our impressive Scholars accomplishments from over the summer. Amit and Erin Koppel Year: Sophomore (Amit), Senior (Erin)

  • Beloved Life Sciences Director Reid Compton Steps Down From Scholars

    Reid Compton, a longtime fixture of the Life Sciences Scholars program, has stepped down from his role as program director after nearly 10 years. Compton was only the second person to head the Life Sciences program, which has existed since College Park Scholars’ founding about 25 years ago. Though a trained biomedical scientist, Compton made the decision to keep the program’s broad approach to the life sciences to include natural history, evolution and conservation, rather than restrict it to a premedical program. He wanted students to appreciate that there is more to the living world than humans and their diseases.

  • 11 Things We Learned by Going Viral

    College Park Scholars has been coordinating an annual theme for each of the past few years. It’s a chance for students across our community to come together to engage in a shared intellectual experience. Whether it’s trash—our theme from the 2015–2016 academic year—power or something else, we take on a complex, multifaceted problem, work to understand its causes and impacts, and discuss how we might address it with thoughtfulness and creativity. The annual theme and related programming afford us the opportunity to realize on a grand scale an idea that shapes everything we do in Scholars: We learn better when we learn together.

  • In Memoriam: Marybeth Drechsler Sharp

    College Park Scholars is grieving over the loss of Marybeth Drechsler Sharp, who died June 5, 2018, after an 18-month battle with breast cancer. She was a longtime graduate assistant on the Scholars central staff who made contributions to the program both professionally and personally. “If a College Park Scholar is supposed to connect the heart of a strong community with the intellect of academic inquiry, Marybeth showed us what a Scholar could be,” says Scholars Associate Director Dave Eubanks, who worked with Drechsler Sharp. “That was clear to me from my first weeks with Scholars and has been a foundational part of how I have thought about our programs ever since.”

  • College Park Scholars Mourns Ira Berlin

    College Park Scholars mourns Ira Berlin, who died June 5, 2018, in Washington. Berlin was a celebrated historian and scholar on slavery who, as dean for undergraduate studies at the University of Maryland, helped found College Park Scholars in 1993. The intent was to combine the best of academic and student affairs into a singular living­–learning program for high-achieving students.

  • How This Life Sciences Scholar Taught the UMD Community About Self Care

    When Anthony Sartori was a freshman at the University of Maryland (UMD), he recognized the need for a community-wide revitalization of care—something that would connect students with themselves and with others. “I came to college lacking self-care strategies,” Sartori says. “No one taught me how to properly take care of myself or what I need to do when I’m feeling overwhelmed.” So, the Life Sciences Scholar began having conversations with other College Park Scholars students, as well as Scholars Assistant Director Ben Parks. He realized that many others felt the same, and were interested in providing and facilitating self-care opportunities for their peers.

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